Movie Glossary: U

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Film Terms Glossary 
Cinematic Terms  Definition and Explanation 
U-matic  > refers to 3/4 inch magnetic tape, originally a professional cassette tape format now being supplanted by new digital formats; a competing tape format was the inferior 1/2" VHS or beta
unbilled role  > a 'supporting' role for a major (sometimes minor) star that is officially credited (usually in the end credits), but no mention (or billing) is made in the film's advertisements or the opening credits; contrast with cameo and uncredited role.
uncredited role  > a role that a major (or minor) star plays that is not credited in the credits or in the film's poster; contrast with cameo and unbilled role.
underacting  > refers to an understated, neutral and muted acting performance; contrast with overacting
undercranking  > refers to the slowing down of a camera, by shooting at less than the standard 24 fps, so that the image, when normally projected, will appear in fast motion; often used to produce a comic effect 
underexposed  > refers to a film shot that has less light than normal, causing an indistinct, dimly-lit, unclear image; the opposite of overexposed
underground film  > a low-budget, non-commercial film, usually independently-made, without the traditional sources of funding or distribution
unions  > organizations that represent professionals in the motion picture industry (e.g., directors, actors, writers, etc.), and help those individuals negotiate contracts, receive recognition, pursue rights, protect interests, etc.; aka guilds
unreliable narrator  > A literary term meaning a protagonist or narrator whose perspective is skewed to their own perspective, producing a portrayal of events that may or may not be accurate or truthful; the lack of credibility may be deliberate or due to a lack of knowledge 
unspool  > a slang term meaning to screen or show a film
utopia(n)  > refers to an imaginary, ideal (or mythical), perfect state or place (especially in its laws, government, social and moral conditions), often with magical healing, restorative properties; see also its opposite - dystopia


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